Monday, March 1, 2010

Being Green Around the Home: Time to Add a Splash of Color

In order to create an environmentally friendly home, you don't have to sacrifice putting your own touch of style. There is actual paint that exists that makes you feel like a "green" person, and a "bright" colorful artist. 
   If you want to splash your room with a  new color, the paints Low- VOC are the most recommendable. These paints do not consists all the harsh chemicals that produce an all too familiar strong odor. The most common brand using Low -VOC is Benjamin Moore paint. It puts a natural touch to all the colors that can brighten your room. So, now you can paint with ease without having to hold your breath or wear a mask.

Being Green Around the Home: Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs

Everyone wants to make the planet into a "greener" more environmentally sound place.
So, what better than to start with your own home. Here are 3 simple ways to begin your green renovation.

       Switching out your old incandescent light bulbs with CFLs (compact fluorescent light bulbs).
These light bulbs come in different designed bulbs and even different colors so you could make the lighting in your room to match your mood.
      Also by using CFLs you are actually saving energy and saving money. In fact just by switching your light bulbs, you can save as much as $30 and the bulbs use 75 % less energy over its lifetime. The light bulbs are able to last 10 times longer than the typical light bulb. Now who can beat a deal like that, being green while also saving you some dough!